ADiE survey report

Artistic Doctorates in Europe

I came a cross this interesting project called AdiE, which is investigating Practice as Research (PaR) within research level degrees in Dance and Performance. The three-year project has got eight organisations involved from across the UK and Scandinavia. The aim is to help universities and the professional dance sector to understand and promote the benefit of doctoral work on their field. The research project reviews the experiences and expectations of artistic doctoral candidates in order to develop guidelines which will better supervise and support future doctorates.

They recently published a report which shares the findings of three surveys (Oct 2016-June 2017), gathering experiences, views and perceptions of artistic doctorates. Targeting the current doctoral candidates, supervisors and the professional environment, they focused on identifying the practices, as well as gaps and issues in the Higher Education Institutions. 

As a result, the report points out how little consideration has been given to the experiences of those undertaking doctoral studies. While much attention has been given to the nature of artistic research within the academies, the potential impact of these studies upon the cultural sector has not yet been extensively studied. 

Experiences and Perceptions of the Artistic Doctorate – Survey Report by ADiE

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